Sparkular Machine
Have you ever wanted to create a phenomenal indoor fireworks display without the firework risks?
Sparkular.UK, have taken pyrotechnics to the most innovative level possible. The fountain machine is a non-pyrotechnic unit that allows you to create stunning displays that can be synchronised with music. The more machines you add, the more impressive your display can look – this will require our controller.
For the Wedding or Industry Professional that just requires the unit on a start/stop system, this can be done via a basic 3 channel DMX controller on the Sparkular units and an even more simple remote control on the Mini Sparkular Units.
You can look forward to an incredible number of benefits including:
A non-pyrotechnic fountain display without any explosive content​
The ability to control duration and height​ on the big Sparkular units
No hazardous content to deal with​, just basic common sense and safety exclusion zone
Completely environmentally friendly ​
No smell and almost smokeless effect